細長い平面形状のビルの長手方向に施された開口部側には別のオフィスが入っており、隣接する窓のない間口4m x 奥行15.6mの計画区画にはほとんど自然光が入らず心地よさが低減されていた。
This is the second project in collaboration with 07BEACH in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
The coffee shop is located on the ground floor of the office building in the center of HCM City.
Facing the entrance of the building and reception area. But located by the end of the building and enclosed by other office space, conditions that reduced the sunlight and comfortability of the space.
With dimensions of 15.6-meter depth and 4-meter width, there was a problem of natural illumination after the first 6 meters.
We maximize the amount of natural light that we were getting from the entrance by avoiding to create any kind of screen or block.
The use some mirrors was consider as a passive strategy to bring light from the front edge to the most interior spaces and also as a game to create interesting and fun visuals and reflections.
The mirrors reflect natural light and also reflecting and sharing activity of each area.
MEP and ductwork were decided to keep it clean and visible, in order to keep the place as simple and functional as possible to differentiate the cafe area from the lobby the floor was raised and change to concrete is a common flooring finish in Vietnam for cafes and helps to differentiate the work and lobby area from the relaxed coffee area.
A triangle room was built to enclose the kitchen. It works as a division wall and is the only division wall of the project.